Sylmar Library is kicking off it's 2023 in-person teen events

Posted on 01/24/2023

Dear Sylmar-area teachers, students, and community members:
    Sylmar Library is kicking off it's 2023 in-person teen events next Tuesday, January 31 at 4 pm., with an Anime/Manga Drawing Workshop with graphic artist Carlos Nieto III. This is your chance to learn anime drawing from him in person! Paper and pencils will be provided. This event is geared toward tweens and teens, but all ages are welcome!
Please also see the included flyers for some future tween and teen events as well as some of the Sylmar library's services, such as free after-school homework help in their Student Zone, Chromebook laptops, and WiFi HotSpots that you can check out at the library for FREE.
To find all of the Sylmar Library's upcoming events, there is a flyer with a QR code, and another flyer with a QR code to give to any teens who are interested in volunteering for the Sylmar library!
Thanks so much for letting our local teens know about these free library events and services!


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