STOP the BLEED Training • April 22nd 2023

Posted on 03/28/2023

Attention Sylmar - STOP the BLEED - FREE Emergency Training

As of April, the Sylmar Neighborhood Council is allowed to resume in-person meetings and gatherings.

We understand the great need for MORE Emergency Services here in our wonderful community. We will be offering FREE training on "Stop the Bleed". 
This instruction will help you prepare and care for a bleeding incident after an accident or injury. This education can save a life while you are waiting for Emergency Services to arrive.  
We will be delivering this training at a "Special" Outreach Committee meeting. The maximum occupancy for this class is 30 people. To help prepare our community for emergencies the Council will be offering further classes on this and other topics like First AId, CPR, etc.

This instructional training on "Stop the Bleed" will be held on Saturday, April 22nd, 2023 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.

Location - Sylmar Neighborhood Council Office, 13521 Hubbard Street Sylmar, CA 91342 (Building next to Yum Yum Donuts)

All are welcome to attend the Meeting/Training. We ask that you RSVP so we can be prepared with materials and spacing.

You can also email your RSVP to the Sylmar Neighborhood Community Outreach Chair, Kurt Cabrera-Miller,  [email protected] 

Thank you.

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