Cinco de Mayo • Sylmar Farmer's Market and Resource Fair

Posted on 04/24/2023

Sylmar - Olive View – UCLA Farmers’ Market

14445 Olive View Drive, Parking Lot K, Sylmar, CA 91342


Cinco de Mayo

Annual Community Resouce Fair 

Friday, May 5th, 2023 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

SPECIAL EVENT with Special Activities, Music, Dances, Food Distribution, and much MORE!

The Los Angeles County Dept. of Mental Health Service Area 2 Peer Resource Center (PRC) located in Olive View Community serves as a beacon of opportunity for Peers to extend a warm and caring welcome to those seeking mental health services, information, and resources. This event will empower individuals struggling with mental health illness and establish healthy coping skills. Local organizations will be present to provide informative resources and connections. Come join us to paint, connect, and so much more!

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