How to Prepare Your Home for Wildfire

Posted on 09/15/2024

Help protect your home and stop the spread of wildland fires by following these eight steps.


Keep flammable objects (lawn mowers, oil or gas cans, propane tanks and wood piles) at least 30 feet away from the home at all times. Move flammables, such as lawn furniture and toys, during wildfire activity.


Keep roofs, gutters, decks and patios clear of leaves, pine needles or other flammables at all times.


Remove flammable mulch and vegetation within 5 feet of the home and replace with nonflammable material.


Remove tree or shrub branches that overhang within 10 feet of your house, roof or chimney.


Keep lawns watered and mowed, or if water-conserving, make sure debris is removed within 30 feet of home.


Trim tree limbs 10 feet above the ground (these are called ladder fuels).


Install 1/8-inch metal mesh screens over vents and under decks to prevent ember intrusion.


Go to or to learn more about how to prepare your home for wildfire.

Smokey Bear Says...

Remember, #OnlyYou can prevent wildfires! For more helpful tips, visit

In 2022,
87% of wildfires were caused by humans. (Source:

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