General Board

The Sylmar Neighborhood Council's regularly scheduled full board meeting is held on the 4th Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm. 

General Board Meetings are currently being held at TWO different locations in Sylmar. 

Bringing the Full Council to where YOU ARE will assist in community member accessibility and participation. It will also help us to learn, listen, and work directly with you to address your needs and better our community!

General meetings will alternate each month between Osceola Elementary Street School and Discovery Charter Prep. School. 

2025 Calendar for General Board Meeting locations:

January 23rd, - Osceola Elementary School        February 27th, - Discovery Charter Prep. School
March 27th, - Osceola Elementary School          April 24th, - Discovery Charter Prep. School
May 22nd, - Osceola Elementary School            June 26th, - Discovery Charter Prep. School
July 24th, - Osceola Elementary School            August 28th, - Discovery Charter Prep. School
September 25th, - Osceola Elementary School      October 30th, - Discovery Charter Prep. School
November 20th, - *(Held a week early due to Thanksgiving Holiday) location is Osceola Elementary School
December - NO Meeting due to the Holiday Season

Osceola Elementary Street School - 14940 Osceola Street Sylmar, CA 91342

• Click here for MAP to Osceola School

Discovery Charter Preparatory School - 13570 Eldridge Ave. Sylmar, CA 91342

• Click here for MAP to Discovery Charter School


* Please note that "SPECIAL" meetings may be called/scheduled - ALL meetings including "SPECIAL" meetings will follow public notification and public posting guidelines as set by the State of California Brown Act. 

Public Posting of Agendas -

Neighborhood Council agendas are posted for public review as follows:

● Sylmar Neighborhood Council Office - 13521 Hubbard St. Sylmar, CA 91342

● You can also receive our agendas via email by subscribing to L.A. Citys Early Notification System (ENS) at

Sylmar Neighborhood Council Members

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