Sylmar Cooling Centers during days of Extreme Heat

Stay Cool – Find Your Local Cooling Center in LA County / Sylmar

Stay Cool, Stay Safe, Sylmar Cooling Centers.

During Extreme Heat these locations may be open as Cooling Centers.

  • El Cariso Park building - 13100 Hubbard Street Sylmar, CA 91342
  • Sylmar LA City Public Library - 14561 Polk Street Sylmar, CA 91342
  • Sylmar Neighborhood Council Office - 13521 Hubbard Street Sylmar, CA 91342

Cooling centers are free, indoor air-conditioned locations where you can keep cool when there are extreme heat weather conditions. Click here to view a map of operational Cooling Centers nearest you or dial 211 for LA County cooling center information. Note: Cooling Centers are only activated by the County of Los Angeles during heatwave events, but county and city facilities with air conditioning are available during business hours.


Tips on Staying Healthy In the Heat 

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water and keep hydrated throughout the day.Heatwave Infographic Image
  • Wear Protective Clothing: If you must go out, plan your day to avoid going out during the hottest hours, and wear sunscreen. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothes, and wear a hat or use an umbrella.
  • Avoid Hot Cars: Cars get very hot. Never leave children or pets in cars and call 911 if you see a child or pet in a car alone.
  • Monitor your Health: Beware of heat-related illness, like heat stroke and call 911 if you see these symptoms: high body temperature, vomiting, and pale and clammy skin.
  • Check on Others: Check on those at risk, like those who are sick, older adults, pregnant women, and children, and those who live alone.
  • Mask Wearing: If you are wearing a mask, avoid strenuous workouts wearing face coverings or masks not intended for athletic purposes.
  • Keep pets indoors – heat also affects your pets, keep them indoors or if they will be outside, make sure they have plenty of water and a shaded area to help them keep cool.
    • Never leave a pet alone in a vehicle, even with the windows cracked or open. Pets should also not be left in a garage, since garages can get very hot due to a lack of ventilation and insulation. Click here to download pet safety tips during extreme heat, brought to you by the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control.
  • Prepare an Emergency Preparedness Plan: Visit your power company’s website ( or contact them by phone to determine if you are scheduled for a rolling power outage. 

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